Thursday 7 August 2014

smart pentaprogram set to give the African continent a reason to smile


(Application link at the bottom of this page)

Our belief and purpose
”Everybody is a genius .But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”  Albert Einstein

While most of our democracies and institutions have are focused on building roads, fighting hunger, tribalism, terrorism, and resolving religious conflicts, we have failed to recognize the most fundamental building blocks to a happier ,industrious and developing people. Worse still, we have simply inherited systems that judge us not on our inventions, passion and creativity but rather according to our competitiveness in the extremely limited job market. One often based on our abilities to replicate textbook materials and sometimes grasp concepts we most likely will never put to use for either our good or the good of others. Most of us therefore end up in careers and professions simply to earn a good living, live to the expectations of people around us or simply because their “dreams were crashed.” A common phrase in today’s society. A very small percentage of individuals get to pursue their passion while at the same time earn a good living.
It’s our belief as an organization that the fundamental building blocks for a developing nation and a developing continent is the happiness and contentment of its people. A factor that arises when individuals pursue their passion, earn a good living and while at the same time make a positive influence in the society.
How then do we nurture a new way of thinking that, while helping individual earn a good living,
Ø  Encourages, motivates and supports people to pursue their passions, develop skills and talents?
Ø  Creates opportunities and platforms for individuals to make a difference and drive positive change in the African society while pursuing their passion.
Ø  Creates an enabling environment which identifies and supports individuals’ initiatives and inventions?
Ø  Fosters collaboration for collective and greater impact?
Ø  Focuses in investing in not only this generation but next generations as well by developing strong institutions?

With an understanding that each and every one of us is gifted and intelligent in our own unique ways, smart pentaprogram is focused in driving change in the African continent by providing platforms, support and opportunities that helps to achieve the above new way of thinking.

We are an ecosystem of five programs that uses a unique cross disciplinary approach to create platforms, support and opportunities that through collaboration identifies, trains, connects and sustain, funds, enables and celebrates passion, innovation, talent, skills and motivation in developing unique solutions to demanding problems and emerging opportunities on the African continent while driving positive change.
Smart pentaprograms is an institution built on a strong foundation of a shared value and a unique culture of values and pillars for this and the next pan African generations

Our Five programs
1. SMART program
An intense and customized program  that focuses on talent, skills, passion, innovation and drive rather than academic standings to provide a platform for individuals to develop, collaborate, invent and implement unique solutions to demanding problems and emerging opportunities as they seek to make a difference and drive change on the African continent.
A program that is in charge of the brand management and the branding of the smart pentaprogram’s initiatives, inventions and projects.
A hub for research, development, and the necessary support to invest in the African innovative generation in driving the pentaprogram’s vision of a happier and developing continent.
 2. WOI (We own it)
Starting off from a conversation to a Facebook page, to a website, to radio and TV programs, to road shows… WOI seeks to provide platforms for Kenyans (we own it_ Kenya) and Africa, (we own it_Africa) to connect, share, learn and pride in their rich, unique, wealthy and outstanding heritage ranging from sports personalities, wildlife and natural resources, music and attire, language, arts in general…in Kenya and Africa with and beyond our continent.
With a future provision of platforms where artists can collaborate and showcase their art and network, WOI seeks to nature a new way of thinking, a new way to pride in the African richness and a new way to learn of things we own but never heard of.
3. HD (Half a Day)
Half a day, a 6hour event carried out twice a year. The organizing team will be tasked with identifying top ten upcoming and successful initiatives, companies and/ideas driving change and impacting the society to compete for a funding prize. The core objective for the event will however be to provide a platform where investor, donors, and entrepreneurs from all backgrounds and disciplines can meet to network, collaborate, impact and engage in a half a day’s unique program with the objectives of making a difference and driving change on the African continent. 
4. OSAM (One Shilling a Month)
An initiative that seeks to cultivate an investment culture among all Kenyans by giving them platforms for them to invest one shilling only every month for their lifetime as Kenyans.
Investing a shilling a month is meant to hold a bigger significance of committing oneself to one’s own and the nation’s peace, harmony and unity.
The fund will be invested in running significant projects that foster a sense of pride among Kenyans as the scale achieved by every Kenyan contributing what may seem useless to them will remind them of them of how much they can achieve united and by putting their efforts together regardless of their tribe or social status that they can’t achieve separated.
The project will also be geared to fostering a sense of ownership and a sense of belonging to a greater cause among Kenyans.
5. KCN (Kenya Careers Network)
Kenya careers network will act as a hub that provides platforms for employers, employees, startups, entrepreneurs seeking either skills, manpower or resources to carry out objectives of their cause within the shortest time and with less resources spent .While at the same time preparing job seekers as their enter the job market in resume, cv, cover letters as well as interview preparations. It will also be a platform for individuals to engage with available and upcoming opportunities in the job and entrepreneurial market in the easiest and efficient way possible. By providing both and open and close space, it will give platforms for job seekers, employers and entrepreneurs to network ,acquire information and find the necessary and fitting skills for a particular task or form a long lasting and impactful relationship in the easiest and most friendly way. Develop in the future and design unique solutions to problems and opportunities in regards to careers and the job market i.e. by running an internship placement program for high school, college students and graduates.

What is smart company?
A diverse team of 40 young, innovative, passionate and dedicated entrepreneurs with a shared vision to inspire, build and drive positive change in Africa.

This is the team provided with the platforms and opportunities to learn, grow, develop and own the pentaprograms vision of a happier and developing Africa in order to effectively drive and build on it, through implementing, overseeing and managing the five programs designed by the smart pentaprogram. The team will undergo a leadership and entrepreneurial program designed to equip them, connect and sustain ,and provide platforms that will engage and prepare them for their leadership and entrepreneurial roles in driving the vision of inspiring ,building and creating a happier and developing African continent through the smart pentaprogram’s vision.

Our defining characteristics
Individuals with a variety of skills, talents, interest, innovations and with different backgrounds of knowledge in entrepreneurship but who hold a collective and shared vision.
A promise of creativity, proactivity and the ability to design unique solutions to demanding problems and emerging opportunities.
An internal drive, love, interest and contentment when it comes to inspiring, building and driving positive change on the African continent.
A promise of commitment, resilience, determination and a little sacrifice if need be in order to drive the goals of the team.
Shared vision
A team build on a strong foundation of shared values and passion to inspire, build and drive positive change in Africa with regards to team work and collective impact.

#Smart company is not just and organization but a team built on a strong foundation of a shared vision, and a unique culture of values .It is continually putting supporting structures in place to ensure its continued prosperity, impact and success as an institution in inspiring, building and creating a happier and developing African continent in both short and long term.

We are now accepting first round applications for the inaugural group of smart company.
Email your name, Phone number and preferred email address to this email
to receive an offline application form, ask your questions, provide your support to this course or give feedback to the organization.

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